Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mumbai Film Festival Premiere

Well, our show actually happened today, and it went really well. People really seemed to enjoy the film and laughed at the funny parts (and some of the not so funny parts...). Sound was an issue, but I hope it didn't detract too much.

I wasn't sure if people would like the film, but the overwhelming response was good. Lilette Dubey and Sarita Joshi both made it to the festival. It was great to seem them both after a long time. I think they both enjoyed it as well.

Afterwards, we had a press conference that was interesting. Got into some (ahem) interesting discussions about 9-11, Indian actors in the mainstream, and such. I'll be uploading the vids on youtube for that.  But it happened, we showed in India and people enjoyed it!

Lilette told me that this film would definitely do well in the mulitplexes in India, so it gave me some optimism that maybe we can get a release here...

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